AnaLog Services, Inc. is often asked to repair and/or upgrade high voltage circuits in logging tools. There are a number of problems with older tools including difficulty in finding replacement transformers for some high voltage power supplies and the loss of the Victoreen Corotron regulator tube (see High Voltage Woes). Over the years, we have developed a series of printed circuit boards (PCBs) using some of the best elements of the many designs out there. The 106HVPS-5 high voltage power supply PCB uses a readily available off-the-shelf inexpensive transformer, not an expensive proprietary transformer found in every other commercially available radiation tool on the market (this circuit is actually a variation of the old Taylor brothers high voltage supply used in West Texas during the last boom). The 106HVRF-1 and 2 high voltage regulator and filter PCBs can accept either the old Corotron or the new solid state Codatron high voltage regulators, and these versatile PCBs incorporate some of our favorite high voltage tricks. The PCBs listed below use readily obtainable components, which parts will continue to be available for many years to come.
High Voltage Power Supply PCBs
Printed Circuit Board Description
Economical High Voltage Power Supply 3" Mounting
SCR Style High Voltage Power Supply 2" Mounting
Doubler for 106HVPS-5 / 106HVPS-6 2" Mounting
Aux. Voltage Multiplier for 106HVPS-5 2" Mounting
High Voltage Filter and Regulator PCBs
High Voltage Filter Board (1,2,3 Stages) 2.5" Mounting
Versatile HV Regulator and Filter Board 4.5" Mounting
Neon Boost Circuit (Single Reg. for GRN) 2" Mounting
Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Voltage Divider PCBs
PMT Voltage Divider for 3/4" Hard Pin Tubes, 2 Wire PMT Voltage Divider for 3/4" Hard Pin Tubes, 3 Wire
PMT Voltage Divider for 3/4" Flying Lead Tubes, 2 Wire PMT Voltage Divider for 3/4" Flying Lead Tubes, 3 Wire
PMT Voltage Divider for 1-1/8" Hard Pin Tubes, 2 Wire PMT Voltage Divider for 1-1/8" Hard Pin Tubes, 3 Wire
PMT Voltage Divider for 1" Flying Lead Tubes, 2 Wire PMT Voltage Divider for 1" Flying Lead Tubes, 3 Wire