AnaLog Services, Inc. is often asked to repair or upgrade caliper logging tools and surface equipment. Over the years, we have developed a series of printed circuit boards (PCBs) using some of the best elements of the many designs out there. Our Low Parts Count AD-537 based caliper tool VFC PCB is a marvel of simplicity and engineering elegance. All PCBs listed below use readily obtainable components, which parts will continue to be available for many years to come.
Contact us if you have equipment needing an upgrade, or if you wish to obtain PCBs for your own project. Click on the links in the "PCB" column for photos and additional data on the boards.
Caliper Tool Voltage to Frequency Converter (VFC) PCB
Printed Circuit Board Description
Low Parts Count AD537 Based Caliper VFC 2" Mounting
VFC-3 for Small Diameter Caliper Tools 2.5" Mounting
Caliper Motor Control Circuit PCBs
Relayless Motor Control Circuit 2" Mounting
Relay Motor Control Circuit 2" Mounting
X-Y Caliper Anti-Coincidence PCBs
Anti-Coincidence Circuit (GO X-Y Caliper Style) 2" Mounting
Low Voltage Power Supply PCBs
Temp. Comp. Low Voltage Power Supply 2" Mounting
Temp. Comp. Low Voltage Power Supply 2" Mounting
Temp. Comp. LV, Low Current Power Supply 2" Mounting
106LVPS-3 for Small Diameter Caliper Tools 2" Mounting
Line Driver / Pulse Former PCBs
Dual Channel Pulse Former / Line Driver 3" Mounting
106LD-3 for Small Diameter Caliper Tools 4" Mounting
Single Channel Pulse Former / Line Driver 3" Mounting
Single Xistor Compact Line Driver 2" Mounting
CCL Downhole Amplifier PCB
Downhole CCL Amplifier (TIP-120 Style) 2" Mounting
Compact Cascode Downhole CCL Amplifier (GO Style)
Downhole CCL Amplifier (SIE Style) 2" Mounting