AnaLog Services, Inc. has no ownership interest in any of the listed companies (except for the few obvious exceptions). Use of this list is entirely at your own risk.
Contact AnaLog Services, Inc. first if you are looking for either new or used logging equipment. Visit our Products and Services & Capabilities pages to see how we may be able to help.
Consultants AnaLog Services, Inc. Fordsville, Kentucky Syd H. Levine (270) 276-5671 Fax: (270) 276-5588 E-mail and Other Contact Info
NORM-Rad Services Graham, Texas David Norman (940) 549-6578 Fax: (940) 549-0362 Environmental and Radiation Services / Training David has over 30 years of experience.
Support Consultants DeLeon, Texas Keith Moon (254) 893-2088 Resolving Radiation Regulatory Problems Addressing ATF and DOT Logging Hazmat Issues Radiation Training E-mail: moonbase@cctc.net
Dr. R.M. "Mac" McKinley Houston, Texas THE leading expert on production logging; Dr. Mac is retired from EXXON, but does some consulting.
If you are not included on this page and should be, please contact us.
FTC Disclosure: Neither AnaLog Services, Inc. nor the author has an economic interest in any of the companies listed above (except for the obvious exceptions). There are no paid links on this page, though small gifts have been received from time to time from a few companies (advertising coffee mugs, advertising calendars, etc.). Many, but not all, of the above companies have done business with Analog Services, Inc. in one capacity or another.