AnaLog Services, Inc. has no ownership interest in any of the listed companies, nor do we receive any pecuniary compensation for referrals resulting from this page. Use of this list is entirely at your own risk. AnaLog Services, Inc. no longer routinely logs wells except as part of research projects.
Kentucky (West)
Southern Well Surveys Daryl and David Robertson (270) 826-2495 (270) 826-5664 Fax (270) 831-3306 Cellular Henderson, Kentucky Cased Hole Services - Perforating E-mail: Available Soon
West Kentucky Well Surveys Mike DeWitt (270) 521-0500 (270) 831-0554 Henderson, Kentucky Open and Cased Hole Services E-mail: Available Soon
Kentucky (Central)
GILCO Nuclear Surveys, Inc. Mark Woodcock (270) 651-8777 Glasgow, Kentucky Open and Cased Hole Services Downhole Television Camera E-mail: gilco@glasgow-ky.com
Norris Well Services, Inc. Steve Norris (270) 651-8737 Glasgow, Kentucky Digital Open Hole Logging Cased Hole Logging Downhole Television Camera E-mail: Steve_Norris@glasgow-ky.com
Eastern Services David Hunsinger (618) 382-3511 Carmi, Illinois Cased Hole Services - High Performance Perforating E-mail: hunsinger@wworld.com
Illinois (continued)
GeoLog Well Services, Inc. Greg Pottorff 618-895-2140 618-315-1540 Cellular Wayne City, Illinois Open and Cased Hole Services E-mail: geolog@mvn.net
Kentucky (Central)
GILCO Nuclear Surveys, Inc. Mark Woodcock (270) 651-8777 Glasgow, Kentucky Open and Cased Hole Services Downhole Television Camera E-mail: gilco@glasgow-ky.com
Norris Well Services, Inc. Steve Norris (270) 651-8737 Glasgow, Kentucky Digital Open Hole Logging Cased Hole Logging Downhole Television Camera E-mail: steve_norris@glasgow-ky.com
Kentucky (East)
Geological Logging Systems Mark Smith, PG, Division Manager (276) 322-5467 E-mail: mark.smith@mma1.com Phil Waters, Senior Supervisor (859) 263-2855 Email: phil.waters@mma1.com Lexington KY, Bluefield VA, Morgantown WV, and Herrin IL Using probes from Century Geophysical, and color cameras to depths of 5000 ft (starlite version for mine shafts / large voids).
Jet-X, Inc. Rocky Burke (606) 432-1984 (606) 432-4554 Fax Raccoon, Kentucky Cased Hole Services - Perforating E-mail: jetx@se-tel.com
Omega Well Services, Inc. Jeff Keathley (606) 433-9601 (606) 794-2510 Cellular Pikeville, Kentucky Cased Hole Logging / Perforating / Plugging / Back-Off / Pipe Cutting - A Full Service Cased Hole Shop Over 20 Years Experience in the Industry E-Mail: omega@setel.com
Superior Well Services Dave Wallace, President (724) 465-8904 Main Office (888) 287-3797 Dispatch Indiana, PA Service Centers Throughout PA, OH, WV, AL, and OK Open and cased hole logging, perforating, stimulation, cementing, nitro, industrial, construction, and environmental services available. E-mail: info@superiorwells.com
Advanced Geological Services, Inc. M. Scott McQuown, P.G. (610) 380-4778 (610) 380-0612 Fax Malvern, Pennsylvania Open and cased hole logging applied to environmental, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical engineering projects. Borehole imaging services including digital optical and acoustic televiewer. Crosshole seismic and radar testing and tomography E-mail: msmcq@chesco.com
Science Applications International Corp. Rick Hoover (717) 901-8835 (717) 901-8835 Fax (877) 646-3185 Toll Free Numeric Pager Harrisburg, Pennsylvania SAIC's Center for Geophysical Excellence provides wireline and television camera services in the mid-Atlantic region. Principal borehole services are related to groundwater (resource and environmental) and engineering clients.
Eastern Reservior Services Mark Miller and Tom Miller (814) 438-2006 or (814) 438-3288 (814) 664-8545 Cellular Union City, Pennsylvania; Also Pinedale, Wyoming; Grand Junction, Colorado Well Testing and Slickline Operations, Flowbacks, Programmable Memory Gauges (3.5k and 6k), Injection Fall-off Testing, Data Interpretation, Production Logging E-mail: erstesting@aol.com
Rusty's Services, LLC (Well Services, Inc.) Russell Moseley, Travis Moseley, et al. (800) 700-8295 Crossville, Tennessee Travis is a legend in the logging industry. E-mail: welser@usit.net
Appalachian Well Surveys Jon Hudson (740) 439-2911 (740) 541-4226 Cellular Cambridge, Ohio Open and Cased Hole Services - Anything and Everything Logging Related Offering GasGunTM Propellant Stimulation Services
Timco, Inc. Tim Brown (800) 685-2554 Byesville, Ohio Cased Hole Services Including Freepoint and Backoff Tim is an industry unto himself, offering many services.
Dar-Way, Inc. Derrell and Dwane Eldridge 231-258-9053 231-258-9740 Fax Kalkaska, Michigan Downhole live video logging and pressure and temperature logs (with surface read-out or slick line memory gauge). Other slick line services and production testing equipment available. We will travel anywhere needed. E-mail: Available Soon
HTS Well Services, Inc. Dave Hartfield (337) 235-4511 (800) 256-1196 In Louisiana (337) 233-5728 Fax Lafayette, Louisiana Cased Hole and Production Logging, Perforating, Pipe Recovery, Plugback, Reservoir Data, Swabbing, etc. E-mail: sales@htswireline.com
Nuclear Reservoir Evaluation, Inc. (NRE) Charlie Simmons and Ronnie Bothner (337) 364-3416 or (337) 364-8436 (337) 519-6770 or (337) 519-6775 Cellular New Iberia, Louisiana Dual Spaced Chlorine Tool (DSCT) Covering the Gulf Coast and Adjoining States E-mail: charlie@nregroup.com
Admyr Wireline, Inc. Scott Glover (318) 343-3302 (318) 372-0085 Cellular Monroe, Louisiana Open Hole Logging Services E-mail: gloverspg@aol.com
Advanced Borehole Services Art Benson, P.G. and Tom Kwader, P.G. PhD (813) 962-7558 (813) 727-7881 Cellular (813) 269-8404 Fax Tampa, Florida Open hole, cased hole, water production, waste injection, aquifer storage, environmental, and geotechnical logging in two inch and up boreholes. Dual axis video same truck. E-mail: elogger@juno.com
RMBAKER LLC Robert M. Baker, P.G. (407) 733-8958 (407) 370-4129 Fax Orlando, Florida A full range of testing and sampling capabilities for water resources, mineral exploration, and geotechnical projects. Dual view video camera same winch. Depth to 4500 feet. E-mail: rob@rmbaker.com
Midcontinent / Permian Basin
DYNA-LOG, INC. Jerry Sullivan and Debbie Hill (316) 262-7373 (316) 259-1159 Cellular (316) 259-1459 Cellular (316) 264-8754 Fax Wichita, Kansas Complete Cased Hole Services E-mail: Available Soon
Perf-Tech Wireline Services, Inc. Bill Klaus (785) 628-3969 (785) 628-8280 FAX Hays, Kansas Cased Hole Logging & Perforating Free-Point & Back-Off E-mail: b klaus
Blohowiak Wireline / teweco Dan Blohowiak (817) 279-3895 Granbury, Texas Providing wireline services to North Texas since 1972. Open / Cased Hole Water Well Logging Downhole Television Camera Log Analysis / Consulting E-mail: Dan_Blohowiak@hotmail.com
Cardinal Surveys Company Steve McLaughlin, President Darrell Norris, Sales Manager George Newman, RSO (915) 580-8061 (915) 580-0547 Fax Odessa, Texas Production Logging Services E-mail: cardinal@cardinalsurveys.com
PSI Wireline, Inc. Steve and Wes Carrell (325) 486-9900 (325) 617-2662 Fax (325) 617-2585 Office San Angelo, Texas Open Hole and Cased Hole Services E-mail: stevec@psiwireline.com
Enviro-Log Inc. Mike Mayfield (405) 834-1417 (405) 330-2250 Fax Edmond, Oklahoma Open & Cased Hole Logging, Casing Inspection, Video The Mayfield clan is synonymous with logging. E-mail: mike-mayfield@enviro-log.com
Century Wireline Services Brian Peterson, Operations Manager (918) 838-9811, ext. 103 (918) 838-1532, Fax Tulsa, Oklahoma Open Hole Logging Services with Service Centers Located in WY, CO, WV, PA and TX Email: peterson@century-geo.com
Superior Production Logging (SPL) Bob Hope (307) 587-2731 (307) 899-1546 Cellular (307) 527-5203 Fax Cody, Wyoming The Specialists in Production Logging E-mail: spl@wyoming.com
Magna Energy Services Ryan Ludwar, Wireline Operations Manager 307-682-4195 Office 307-680-8124 Cellular 307-682-4908 Fax Gillette, Wyoming E-mail: rludwar@magnaes.com
Eastern Reservior Services Mark Miller and Tom Miller (814) 438-2006 or (814) 438-3288 (814) 664-8545 Cellular Grand Junction, Colorado Well Testing and Slickline Operations, Flowbacks, Programmable Memory Gauges (3.5k and 6k), Injection Fall-off Testing, Data Interpretation, Production Logging E-mail: erstesting@aol.com
DLD Pipe Recovery Services Dale Daniels 970-263-4800 Office 970-640-7740 Cellular 970-314-7302 Fax Grand Junction, Colorado Freepoint, Chemical Cut, Jet Cut, Back-Off, and Other Mechanical Services E-mail: dldpiperecovery@bresnan.net
WELLOG Chuck Merritt (520) 826-2662 (520) 826-2663 Fax Cochise, Arizona Open and Cased Hole Logging Services Downhole Color Video (Television) Service E-mail: sales@wellog.com
First Energy Service, Inc. Richard B. Chase, President (661) 328-9840 (661) 328-0779 Fax Bakersfield, California Production Logging and Slick Line Services E-mail: RBC93308@aol.com
Welenco, Inc. Gary Corbell, President (800) 445-9914 (661) 834-2550 Fax Bakersfield, California A full range of open and cased hole services for the water and environmental industries, including down-hole video, swage well repair, and EnerJet perforation cleaning. Also based in Mesa, AZ; servicing CA, AZ, NV, ID, OR, WA, and west TX. E-mail: welenco@welenco.com
Provided as a courtesy by AnaLog Services, Inc. Member Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts (SPWLA), Mineral & Geotechnical Logging Society (MGLS), The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE), Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Association of Energy Service Companies (AESC), Health Physics Society (HPS), and Kentucky Oil & Gas Association (KOGA)
FTC Disclosure: Neither AnaLog Services, Inc. nor the author has an economic interest in any of the logging companies listed above. There are no paid links on this page, though small gifts have been received from time to time from a few companies (advertising coffee mugs, advertising calendars, etc.). Many, but not all, of the above logging companies have utilized Analog Services, Inc. for professional services.