Coil Winders, Dereelers, and Tensioners
The George Stevens 212-AM coil winder shown winding a CCL coil.
Our George Stevens
212-AM coil winder was built in July, 2002, for a medical device manufacturing
company that subsequently went broke; this fine machine was sold on eBay for a
mere few pennies on the dollar. This was one of the last mechanical drive
traverse winders Stevens made, and it is ideally suited to winding CCL coils of
all types. The driven tailstock is a handy feature on this machine.
The Meteor ME301 coil winder (Meteor tensioner not shown).
Our Meteor ME301 coil winder was formerly owned by Bell Petroleum Systems (BPS). This is our largest winding machine; it is reserved for large coils and production quantity winding jobs.
The COWECO Model CS coil winder with Jacobs hand chuck tooling.
Our COWECO Model CS coil winder was manufactured in 1967, and we completely rebuilt it in early 2000. The Model CS is useful for most casing collar locator (CCL) coil winding applications.
Azonic dereeler and Whisker Disk®
We use Azonic Tel-A-Tension® wire tensioners in our CCL coil winding operations. If winding tension is not properly maintained, CCL coils may loosen and fail, especially in the case of shooting CCLs. We also like the Azonic Whisker Disk®, an ingenious device consisting of nothing more than a piece of round cardboard with radiating "whiskers" made of monofilament fishing line. This simple device does seem to help prevent "waterfalling" of the magnet wire around the spool.
The "Grizz" 7x12 Mini Lathe.
The Grizzly 7x12 Mini Lathe has become an indispensable machine tool in our shop. It is well suited for winding larger, heavy CCL coils.