AnaLog Services, Inc. can build, repair, modify, and calibrate most downhole well logging tools. We also sell new and used logging tools; see our Products menu page for a sampling of some products we offer. The following is only a partial list highlighting some of our capabilities with respect to well logging tools.
Casing Collar Locators (CCLs)
AnaLog is unsurpassed in servicing casing collar locators (CCLs). We work on shooting CCLs as well as amplified logging CCLs (both stand alone logging CCLs and those built into tools). We can wind or rewind all types of CCL coils and charge all types of CCL magnets; we have coil winders with wire tensioners and magnet chargers modified especially for CCL work. We stock parts for most shooting CCLs ever made, including the hard to find rubber shock absorber ends for all sizes of GO shooting CCLs and clones thereof. We use only the finest materials when rewinding shooting or logging CCL coils and they are guaranteed to stand up to abuse better than factory original equipment; we even offer a proprietary resin impregnation process for those extra demanding applications. We can rework poorly performing amplified logging CCLs and improve them dramatically; COSMOS tools, Bell tools and stand alone logging CCLs, and certain early Comprobe logging CCLs are all prime candidates (see photograph below). The major logging companies come to us when they have CCL problems; nobody does CCLs like AnaLog. Also see Casing Collar Locator (CCL) Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
Radiation Tools
AnaLog specializes in the repair and modification of all makes, models, and types of radiation tools. We possess gross gamma ray check sources, spectral gamma check sources, and various neutron check sources, including thermal. We have API traceable calibrators for gamma ray and neutron tools. We can convert your Geiger-Müeller detector gamma ray tools to scintillation detector tools. We still repair tube and nuvistor tools, but for a fraction of the cost of a new tool, we can rebuild old tube and nuvistor radiation tools with modern solid state circuitry (see our 106 Radiation Tool Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) page). We can replace the poorly performing GO/GOI/MLS COSMOS downhole CCL amplifier with one that will astound you (see photograph below). We can convert your GO/GOI/MLS COSMOS tools to 120 volt operation and even add SIE style "Bond Kill" to allow simultaneous gamma ray-cement bond logging using your COSMOS tools. We can in fact add Bond Kill to most tools ever made. All scintillation tools are adjusted using an Americium241 check source to set the internal discrimination. We fine tune radiation tools like nobody else in the business; all voltages and settings are documented on your invoice for future reference. We even manufacture and sell solid state High Voltage Regulators to replace the old Victoreen Corotrons.
Cement Bond Tools (CBT)
AnaLog has extensive experience working on all types of cement bond tools. We have pressurized test tanks, a test well (and access to oil wells and injection wells), simulator boxes, and adjustable dummy lines for CBT evaluation, repair, and calibration. We can adjust SIE type tools equipped with calibration circuits to your specific truck conditions (the truck usually must be at our facility for this adjustment). We build two different solid state amplifiers to replace the old SIE nuvistor amplifier, and we offer a true sine wave downhole calibration circuit that is insensitive to line length variation. We can upgrade the electronics in the old GO limber thingy bond tools to be compatible with SIE style surface protocols. Nobody has rescued more bond tools than AnaLog! Also see Cement Bond Log Related Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
AnaLog works on most caliper tools. We can install upgraded electronics in the old unijunction-based tools (these are horribly non-linear). We offer a proprietary caliper linearization circuit that actually performs the necessary trigonometric calculations downhole, yielding a linear pulse rate output from fully open to fully closed. Also see Caliper Log Related Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
Open Hole Tools
Due to customer insistence, we are increasingly servicing open hole tools. We also have associates we refer customers to if we feel they can better serve a customer's needs.
A Final Word
We work on tools that are run in shallow cool well environments, and we work on tools run in some of the deepest and hottest wells in the world. We use appropriate components for the tool under repair, saving the customer money (there is little sense in using a very expensive mil spec high temperature repair component in a tool used only in shallow wells). We stock a huge array of repair parts in commercial, industrial, mil spec, and special temperature ranges, and we have the experience to know which part will work in a particular application. Also see our Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and our PCB Details and Photos pages.
If it runs in a well on wireline, we can probably repair, or modify and improve it to meet your needs.